
Josh Brolin, Thanos aus „Avengers“, posiert völlig nackt und treibt die Fans in den Wahnsinn

Aos 50 anos, Josh Brolin mostrou que está com tudo em cima em uma foto pelada publicada nas redes sociais. O ator que fez sucesso recentemente na pele de Thanos, no filme “Vingadores: Guerra Infinita” deixou o pudor de lado e posou completamente pelado… Uma pena que cobrindo o instrumento do poder com um peixão, literalmente. A foto faz parte de uma campanha em que ressalta a importância da conscientização ambiental, bem como a preservação da fauna e da flora. —- In CANNES selling an idea I had called Lucky #7. It’s a movie about me and a fish. It’s a romance. I don’t see why a man can’t have a relationship with someone other than a woman or a man. I’ve always believed that film is about the spiritual condition, and everything living thing has a spirit. Remember there was “Free Willy”, and there was “Black Beauty”. This could be the premise for “X-Force”. Maybe it’s a prequel before Cable gets sent to the future, before he comes back from the future into the past which is the present. #7: naked, lucky and in love. Watch Deadpool 2 on May 18 for a better understanding of what I’m bringing down. @deadpoolmovie #theshapeofmyfish #cablenaked #fishlove @cannes_filmfestival #everythinghasaspirit

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