
1 in 5 young people identify as LGBTQ

Data released by the International Organization GLAAD showed a growth in the number of young Americans aged between 18 and 34 who consider themselves LGBTQ. According to the entity, 20% of young people in this age group identify with a sexual orientation other than heterosexuality, something proportional to 1 in every 5. Without the age restriction, this number drops to 12% and among those who are older to 75 years old, the total is 5%. For GLAAD, the increase in the number of LGBTQ young people is due to advances made in recent years and better acceptance of diversity, including by these people's families, compared to past decades. Still, this number does not necessarily symbolize the number of LGBTQ people in that country, but rather those who have the courage to accept their sexual orientation and gender identity. SUPPORT Among those who are not lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans, but support the rights of this community, the total is 63% among those aged between 18 and 34. For those over 72 years old, the number is slightly lower, 39%.

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HOT: Photo of a Hungarian BBB participant without clothes leaks onto the web; look