
10 tips to get more dates and win the boyfriend of your dreams

 The poet Vinicius de Moraes once said: "Life is the art of encounter, although there is so much disagreement in life." 
+10 things straight people should know about gay people

To avoid some of these misunderstandings, we have created a guide for you to optimize your dates and win over that magical boy that you involuntarily freeze every time he talks to you.

Before we start with our tips, it's worth mentioning: be careful with the good night Cinderella, prefer meetings in public places, and of course, always use a condom.

10 tips to get more dates and win your dream crush:

1 – Define Objectives: 
It’s normal that a lot of it is just “letting it go”, but even that is a goal. Define whether you want to find someone to date seriously, whether you want to go very slowly or whether you want to go faster. Define whether you want to meet just to have sex or even if you intend to get married.
2- Describe yourself correctly 
When you use the internet to get dates you should think that your social networks, apps and dating sites are your biggest advertisement. And remember: false advertising is a crime, there's no point in photoshopping everything or saying you have job
3 - Rock the Selfie
Think about the lighting first, change the position so that the sun or ambient light does not cast a shadow on your face. Always prefer natural light. Morning or late afternoon sun is best. Position the camera slightly above your eye line and tilt your face slightly downwards. The photo taken from below makes the face rounder and the double chin more prominent.
4 – Be careful with Textão
Writing large texts to introduce your profile can seem tiring, you can't say everything. Being objective and humorous is more effective. You can say what you like to do in your free time, what your greatest qualities are and you can also say your profession. This is a good space to say your intentions, if you are determined to date, you will win points with those who are in the same mood. If you have several goals, try to be more general. And yes, the longer the person's text, the more desperate/boring/last cookie in the package they appear. Say the basics, the rest will be revealed during the conversation.
5 – Have attitude!
 Many people win over other people with matches or even receive proposals and achieve little, but in reality, it all depends on your attitude. If you're a match, why not say hi? Starting a joke or a compliment breaks the ice and can bring people closer.
6 – Avoid games
The worst thing that can happen in the process of meeting another person are games, like, I'll only respond tomorrow so it doesn't seem like I'm too into it or if he doesn't send a message, I won't either. Forget all that. If you're in the mood, say clearly: “you're my type, I really liked it, let's go out this Friday? ” Be practical and save time!
7 – Dedicate yourself to your crush
When you meet someone or are talking to them on the phone, dedicate yourself only to that person, forget your cell phone and dedicate yourself to them. If you want something more serious, and are talking to someone you already find interesting, put prospecting and other suitors on hold until you feel it will happen or not, keeping in touch and meeting with different people can show a cold person and it will make you delve a little deeper when it comes to meeting another person. Dedicating yourself to one person at a time, in this more advanced phase of contact, will be more accurate and honest.
8 – Avoid exaggerations
On the day of the meeting, use your normal style of dressing, show how you like to be normally, dressing up too much can overvalue the meeting and impose unnecessary weight on the moment. The same goes for excessive perfume and cigarettes, keep in mind that there are people who are allergic. 
9 – Explore your crush’s interests
If you have access to Facebook or another social network where people share more about their lives, take advantage of this: try to understand her profile, what films or books she likes to read, be interested in this subject. This may make someone's jaw drop, but be truthful. Show interest in the subject, but you don't want to seem like an expert in something you don't know.
10 – Brush your teeth before arriving at the meeting
It sounds like a joke, but it's a serious matter! It's always good to remember that there's no point in following all the tips above and forgetting the basics of personal hygiene. If you are not careful in this aspect, even with 100 tips you will not be able to get out of the first date.
Did you miss any tips? Contribute by giving yours in the comments!


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