
10 tips to take your perfect NUDE!

A recent survey revealed that around 83% of gays exchange intimate photos with their insides.

We're not going to go into the merits of judging the attitude, but since you're going to do it, let's do it well, right?

+With or without hair? Ex-BBB Matheus poses for Paparazzo doing intimate waxing

The site ACAPA asked a professional photographer to give tips on how you can upgrade your nude and enhance your instrument of pleasure.

Check out tips from photographer Marcos Leandro:

1 - Pay attention to the environment: Avoid showing details that could leave the image polluted; messy room, dirty bathroom, etc.

2 - Be careful not to let objects in the photo identify you: This one is for the discreet crowd out of the mainstream.

3 - Take care of your appearance and avoid showing parts of your body that don't look good: In other words, common sense, folks, the trick is to know how to value yourself and show what we have to offer.

4 - Think about the angle and framing: How you intend to show yourself is very important, more closed framing and closer to the penis help to create a false impression that the thing is bigger than it actually is. The further away the photo, the more elements people have to compare the size of things. Top-down photos also help make the penis appear larger than it actually is.

5 – Use light to your advantage: photography requires good lighting, try to direct your body to where there is more light or use flashlights, lamps or even lighting with another cell phone.

6 - Bet on the half bomb: The mystery of the half-pump penis can be a good idea to generate curiosity and make people want to see the other stages in person.

7 - Act Naturally: Poses and a lot of sensuality can sound vulgar or in more extreme cases comical (which is definitely not desired).
8 – Don’t overdo the filters: Some filters can leave you looking plasticized and artificial. You might not think so, but people realize that.
9 – Work with options: Take lots of photos and then choose the ones you believe are the best. Avoid sending numerous images and if you use more than one, try to diversify.
10 – Don’t show your face: even intentionally this photo can be seen by other people and you will end up being exposed. Have you ever thought about how annoying it is if nude photos reach your work or family members?

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