
Every two minutes five women suffer violence in Brazil, says research

A survey carried out by the Perseu Abramo Foundation, in partnership with Sesc, revealed terrifying data regarding violence against women: every two minutes five women are attacked in Brazil. Despite the shocking data, the research highlights the fact that it has already been worse. Ten years ago, there were eight women every two minutes.

The survey was carried out in 25 states and was titled “Brazilian women and gender in public and private spaces”. 2.365 women were interviewed in August last year and 1.181 men over 15 years old. Several topics are covered, but for the research supervisor, Gustavo Venturi, the issue of domestic violence still shocks.

According to Gustavo, “the data shows that violence against women is not a private problem for the couple. It is social and requires public policies.” The research concluded that 7,2 million women over the age of 15 have suffered aggression. Of this number, 1,3 were assaulted in the 12 months preceding the research.

The decrease in violence against women in the period between 2001 and 2010 can be attributed to the Maria da Penha Law, according to Gustavo Venturi. “The law is an expression of the growing awareness of the problem of assaults against women,” he said.

The survey found that 85% of those interviewed were aware of the Maria da Penha Law and that 80% approved the legislation in defense of women. However, they consider that the law alone is not enough.

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