
The wheel turned

I want to be whole, strong, smooth, the size I think I am. I think about things I like, I try to distract myself… I don’t think so!

Things change, feelings dissolve over time... reasoning, calm, changes.

In the past, not much. A few years ago, I had many certainties, truths and loves. I don't have it and I had nothing. Nobody has anything. Nobody has anyone. We have ourselves. The individual center.

Let it be said! A lot of things have changed in life, city, mind… in short, clarity! Far from being complete maturity, it was just another 'cloth' that fell, of so many that fell.

Perhaps a sample of what it must be like to feel like what you have really learned in life over the years. Feeling really centered, fair and above all being ME… really me!

How things change… and they change quickly! Is life ephemeral? Is there a second reality? Where am I in my private `matrix´?

So long to realize that the most difficult thing is (and always will be) human relationships. There are many differences that encourage relationships. As difficult as that may seem.

MV Bill supports campaign against homophobia

The morning after