
'The truth sets us free': Argentine basketball player comes out of the closet

Sebastian Vega
photo: reproduction

Argentine basketball player Sebastian Vega, 31, came out of the closet. The Gimnasia y Esgrima athlete became the first in the Argentine National League to publicly come out as gay – a beautiful movement against LGBTphobia in the sport.

“The truth sets us free!”, wrote the player on Twitter, last Tuesday (10). “I remember exactly the moment: I was lying in bed, absolutely in the dark, looking at the ceiling in silence, not knowing what to do, not wanting to admit it, with my head exploding. I was with a man for the first time and I couldn’t accept that.”

“That night was one of the worst I remember. It meant a definitive change in my life and my structures,” she said.

“I was dating a girl, trying to continue my life as a heterosexual, but after a while, the desire to be with a man came again. There were months of absolute confusion. I was lying to myself, denying reality, frustrated, sad. I didn't understand why this was happening to me. I wanted to be one more, I wanted to fit in. I wanted to be like my classmates and friends. And I started to sink.”

The athlete said that, contrary to what he expected, he was received with love by his parents after coming out to them. “It was a tremendous relief to find support in my family,” he wrote.

Congratulations on the initiative, Sebastián! Cheers to life outside the closet!

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