
Affinities and friends

I'm a person full of phrases and friends often start using them precisely because they make perfect sense and one that I really like is "people associate because of affinities". She doesn't have any genius, but she makes it clear why there are certain friendships that sometimes seem unknown.

This week I was thinking a lot about this and doing an analysis listing the characteristics of my close friends and I was able to evaluate what I look like to each of them. Doing this self-analysis can help answer many questions that surround us.

This concept also helps us identify the reasons why we move away from certain people, friends who often seemed inseparable and today are just rare contacts that we see from time to time and when this happens little is said about the current one, it becomes a nostalgia session where We were talking about the past.

The direction that each person takes in their life causes certain people to fall along the way and it is not because the friendship was not sincere, simply because the interests are no longer the same. It is also not a reason for abandonment and respect must always be maintained.

I, for example, love nightlife, travel, gadgets and cars. These subjects are always present in my daily life, in my conversations and I always have an opinion on these topics. And obviously my close friends enjoy it too.

And there is nothing more enjoyable than being able to share your experiences with people without seeming pedantic. If in your circle of friends only you have visited the Louvre or TimeSquare and you start to want to discuss it, the others will think it is pure exhibitionism and it is nothing like that.

But the best of all this and the greatest proof of friendship is that you know how to respect each other's time, choices and not judge a change in behavior as a departure, it's just a question of new focus, new interests and whether this is making the difference. happy person, that's what matters, after all "everyone knows what makes you happy".

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