
Alexia Twister plays a transvestite who tries to get back on her feet and return to the stage in “Lola, the Pioneer”

From Wednesday (11th) onwards, the play "Lola, the Pioneer" will be shown in São Paulo. In the monologue, written and directed by Mário Goes, Alexia Twister gives life to a transvestite who decides to become a 'man' again to survive.

The drama, which has gentle touches of humor, shows Lola's struggle when facing situations and conflicts that challenge her to pursue her big dream: returning to the stage.

The piece also questions the "false" reurbanization of the central area and questions values ​​about the society in which we live. Do we value those who really love us? What are our true desires?

Lola brings to attention the complexity of individual lives in a plot accentuated with critical margins.

The play is showing at Teatro do Ator, in Praça Roosevelt, on Wednesdays and Thursdays until October 31st.

Lola the Pioneer
Actor's Theater
Praça Rooselvet, 172, Centro – São Paulo.
Wednesday and Thursday
R$30,00 whole and R$15,00 half.

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