
Changes to the text of PLC 122 will not interfere with the criminalization of homophobia

Since it was announced that Senator Marta Suplicy (PT-SP), would change the text of PLC 122/2006, which aims to criminalize homophobia in Brazil, so that the law would not be applied to speeches made at religious services, a controversy has arisen: So will pastors and priests be able to criticize homosexuality?

According to Marta Suplicy's advisor, as it stood the PLC would not be approved, as preventing religious people from criticizing the homosexual lifestyle interferes with the issue of dogmatic freedom, something that could be interpreted as an attack on freedom of expression.

However, according to the senator's team, it is necessary to make it clear that the criminalization of homophobic demonstrations carried out in public continues, as well as the punishment of religious television and radio programs that make intolerant attacks on LGBT people.

Suplicy's advice also points to the fact that, if the law is approved, homophobic crimes will be classified and, finally, the State will be able to count on official data regarding homophobia and homophobic aggressors, who, in addition to being liable for criminal of bodily harm, will be punished for the crime of homophobia.

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