
Legislative Assembly rejects LGBT Citizenship Front in PE in vote

Alepe – Legislative Assembly of Pernambuco – rejected on Tuesday (17) the creation of the Parliamentary Front for LGBT Citizenship. To be installed, the front needed 25 votes in favor, but several deputies were absent and hampered the vote. 

During the session, 15 of the 49 deputies were absent, 23 voted in favor and 10 voted against. In other words, there were only two votes left for the front to be installed.

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With deputies Lucas Ramos, Aloíso Lessa, Teresa Leitão and Priscila Krause as members, the front intended to bring together parliamentarians to combat prejudice and discrimination against the LGBT population, through debates, hearings and events.

"The defeat was not of the LGBT population, but of the House, despite the vote having 23 votes in favor. Regrettably, many deputies were absent, shying away from holding the debate. We will systematically study what the mechanisms are to create a space specifically to debate these demands, which are urgent and necessary", said the author of the request Edilson Silva (Psol).

The pastor Clayton Collins (PP), who is leader of the evangelical group, declared that he does not need an LGBT front, since the Commission for the Defense of Citizenship and Human Rights already exists. "These are important issues, be it LGBT, minorities, majorities. We are going to call on the movement to come into this house, they have not lost rights," he declared.

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Tereza Leitão stressed that dealing specifically with the LGBT population is not a matter of privilege, but of paying attention to a group that has "throughout history suffered moral persecution and needs affirming policies". "We cannot mix the secular state, provided for in the Constitution, with our faith. What is being proposed are public policies for a stigmatized sector."

Find out who voted and didn't vote: 

15 absent:
Antonio Moraes
Beto Accioly
Claudiano Martins Filho
Eriberto Medeiros
Everaldo Cabral
Francismar Pontes
Henry Queiroz
John Eudes
Lula Cabral
Manoel Santos, licensed
Priscila Krause, licensed
Ricardo Costa
Rodrigo Novaes
Rogério Leão
Zé Maurício
23 favorable:
Aglaílson Junior
Álvaro Porto
Aluísio Lessa
Angelo Ferreira
Augustus Caesar
Clodoaldo Magalhães
Diogo Morais
Eduino Brito
Edilson Silva
Julio Cavalcanti
Lucas Ramos
Golden Marcantonio
Miguel Coelho
Pedro Serafim Neto
Raquel Lyra
Romário Dias
Silvio Costa Filho
Simone Santana
Help Pimentel
Teresa Leitão
Tony Gel
Zé Humberto
Waldemar Borges
Ten contraries:
Adalto Santos
André Ferreira
Bishop Ossésio Silva
Doctor Valdir
Guilherme Uchoa
Joaquim Lira
Joel da Harpa
Odacy Amorim
Pastor Clayton Collins
Professor Lupércio

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