
So she arrived

She suddenly felt a strange desire to escape, which was confused with the imperativeness of that red moon in the city, swimming between the buildings.

Everything was so numbing that it made her surrender and let herself be carried away by the gentle contemporary dance that bewitched her.


She was completely surrendered to the moment.

The climate asked her to do something different, to let go and transform with each sweat.

Lulled to the rhythm of the dialogues, she enjoyed each scream that announced the moon in the air.

She played with pleasure.

Fingered to the beat, whatever you want.
In the magic ballet…
More engaging, beautiful…

But the woman's body feels it.
The movement of his fingers reminded him of dark things.
Things she hadn't allowed herself to think about for a long time.
Or do.

Youth screamed in his body!
His pores expelled the sweat of the most sincere desire.
His chest was boiling and desperately asking for any furtive affection.

Or a different look, full of dissimulation.
It is not always necessary to make the real intention clear.
But it would have to be that look that deified and devoured her, making her feel love, lust...

She wasn't fully aware of where she was going, what she was doing.
I wasn't aware of everything that was going on.
But he didn't worry.
He let himself go.

She wanted to know where this crazy desire came from, which worked like a powerful magnet, leaving her static, wet, without the strength to react or retreat.

And the soft Moon continued its spell, taking her to unknown paths.

She smiled.
But it wasn't that unpretentious smile of someone laughing at a joke.

It was a weak smile, demonstrating that she no longer controlled her senses.

A small, but growing, smile of uncontained desire.
She had begged to try it.

She had asked to be thrown into this whirlpool of emotions.
She only fed the other, in her hidden desire to truly know herself.

When the nightgown slid down her slender, dark body,
And she discovers that the nudity was complete
He could not contain a strong tremor,
so involved was she in her trance.

She almost couldn't calm down anymore.
That impossible vision stunned her more and more.
The languid body, of such a soft moon, of skin so smooth and...
And the smell…
Oh! The smell it gave off…
No, it just might be impossible!
She didn't stop.

The spell took its course.
The red moon bled
She didn't believe how being so perfect was surrounded by such great pain.

How he suffered and paid for mistakes not made.
How life had reached so deeply into that girl's heart.

She stopped to feel his affection,
Feeling her caress the back of his naked neck, kissing his tender lips, smelling her soft skin, smelling like rain.
It was a dream...
Was it a dream?

When the day woke up at home, friends' laughter didn't stop.
She saw herself naked, sweaty, tired...
She looked at her, with the softest expression that was possible for her at the moment.

But that look left no doubt, there was desire hidden in that girl.
There was a desire that she didn't want to show.
She approached the moon.
There was no more shame.

Her nudity had acquired a state of undeniable purity.
He touched the Moon's face with his short fingers.
He caressed from forehead to chin, feeling every millimeter and recording in his memory all the recesses and cavities of her face.
She looked at her again.

There was nothing left to ask or explain.
She nodded, showing that she understood his silence.
Who wanted your smile
Your moon shine, your nest.

They were ready to continue that story…
And together they walked to the window, looked at the world and smiled at the sky.

Our Chart: make it yours!

Lesbians kiss and are threatened with ejection at baseball game