
São Paulo Gay Parade Association opens new headquarters on Monday

The São Paulo Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transvestite and Transsexual Pride Parade Association opens new headquarters on Monday. Along with the new space, APOGLBT's 10 years of existence will also be celebrated.

The association's management had been looking for a new address since the end of last year, when the report from the The Cape found out and Murilo Sarno, vice-president and Xande, the president, revealed who were finding it difficult to rent a new space. In some situations, activists faced prejudice. When the property owners knew who the landlord was, they made excuses.

The new address is close to where the old headquarters operated. The new building is at Praça da República, 386, set 22. The event will be open to the public.

São Paulo GLBT Pride Parade Association
Praça da República, 386, Conjunto 22, Centro, São Paulo-SP – CEP 01045-000
11 3362-8266 – -

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Gallery: Cauã Reymond, I miss Halley