
Transgender activist wins title of sexiest vegan man of the year; See photos!

Um transgender man of Utah, in United States, has just been elected by the organization PETA the "Sexiest vegan" of the year.

+"I was never in the closet" – Nico Tortorella, from the series "Younger" talks about his sexuality

He is Dexter Thomas, a cause activist, who grew up on a cattle farm in Salt Lake City before reporting meat consumption. 

Thomas became vegan at age 17 and has since stopped consuming meat and animal products. At the same age, he began participating in campaigns in favor of veganism and women's rights. LGBT community.

Dexter is currently pursuing a postdoctoral degree in psychology at the University of Utah and is an ambassador for veganism and animal protection in the state.

But the boy's journey was not easy. As a teenager, he dropped out of school because of the prejudice he suffered for being transgender. Years later, he returned, graduated and entered university.

"I learned firsthand that people are capable of immense cruelty in the face of others who they think are inferior," declared Dexter Thomas. "When I realized that these attitudes lead to transphobia, homophobia, sexism and everything else, I also understood that this fosters outdated attitudes towards animals. That's part of what motivated me to become vegan when I was 17."

Tracy Reiman, the executive vice president of PETA praised Dexter's stance.

"Dexter's deep commitment to exposing the common roots of oppression and advocating for those in need – regardless of species – makes him number one on our list."

In addition to the title, Thomas also wins a trip to Maui, Hawaii.

Check out the photos of boy magic:

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