
Tongan Olympic athlete steals attention with muscular body and unique beauty

Pita Taufatofua is an Olympic athlete from Tonga, a country in Oceania, who became successful on Brazilian social media about two years ago, at the 2016 Olympics, held in Rio de Janeiro. On that occasion, Pita stole the spotlight for himself when he entered carrying his country's flag shirtless and completely covered in oil. Now, the athlete repeated the dose during the opening of the Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea, which took place last Friday, 09th, in a temperature of -4 degrees... that's what being a pastry chef is like. But look for that body and that smile… In the reverse competition, Pita will fight for a medal in cross-country skiing. In Brazil, the muso competed in Taekwondo. “Multi-talented” he calls it!

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