
Actor and choreographer, ex-BBB Diogo Pretto is accused of homophobia during show

Digo Pretto became known in Brazil after his participation in the eleventh edition of the reality show Big Brother Brasil. The participant, who did not win the competition, was recently in the news accused of having committed homophobia during a presentation by the Fitdance group, of which he is a member, in Amsterdam Salvador, on Saturday, 29. During an interaction with the public, the ex-brother reportedly said : “When I was little, I was a bit of a fagot, but when I discovered what fagots did, I stopped being fagots.” At the end of his sentence, he was booed by the audience. After being labeled as homophobic, Pretto spoke out in a note, denying being prejudiced. Diogo apologized for the “misunderstanding” and explained that his speech had been misinterpreted. “He noted that the first statements gave rise to interpretation of him as someone prejudiced and apologized. Activists criticized that discrimination cannot be joked about”, says the actor’s advisor.

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