
Porn actors show how cute they are by posing with their kittens; see photos

The scenes below are moments starring gay porn actors that you may never have imagined. It's affection, pampering and dedication to your beloved and cute cats – and we're not talking about other men.

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Used to appearing with large dogs, which add to the bad boy myth, now they fall in love with small felines, treated as if they were real children. 

Social media posts are common. And there are unusual scenes, like that of Scott Hunter e Damien crosse who appear having sex with their pussy in the foreground during a scene from the production company Alpha Males.

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Or even a bath in the bathtub Jessie colter, from Lucas Entertainment, with her kitten. The image caused controversy due to the fact that the actor was also naked, but we already know that any time is the time for them to show off their bodies, right? 

Check out the clicks:

François Sagat's cat and his kitten

Jimmy Fanz pets his feline

Colby Keller Squeezes Gray Kitten

Jonathan Agassi serves as a bed

Matthew Keading is hugged by the cat

Bel Ami star Kevin Warhol

During Scott Hunt and Damien Crosse's scene, look who appeared

Jessie Colter and her cat's bath

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