
HIV virus increases among young gay men in 2011

According to a report released this Monday (28) by the Ministry of Health, the HIV virus has increased among young homosexuals aged 15 to 24.

In 1990, AIDS corresponded to 25,2% of infected men in this age group. Now, in 2011, the number increased to almost double, reaching 46,4% of infected people.

Due to these data, the 2011 campaign to combat World AIDS Day, which takes place on December 1st, will focus on young gay men.

"We are seeking to understand the vulnerability aspects of young gay people, and when we talk about them, we also have to talk about (sic) transvestites. We have a specific concern with this, with understanding the vulnerability of this sector. We think that this public does not lack knowledge: 95% of them know that the best way to prevent AIDS and HIV is using condoms", said Alexandre Padilha, minister of health.

Women between 13 and 19 years old will also be highlighted in this campaign. According to a report, this age group is the only one in which there are more women infected with HIV than men. Generally, girls this age end up giving in to their partner's pressure to have sex without a condom.

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