
BBB 10: “It’s big”, says Eliane about Sérginho’s penis

During the early hours of Sunday, a "hot" conversation about sex took place among the participants of Big Brother Brasil 10. Among curiosities and revelations, Eliane, the dancer, said that she has already seen the size of Sérgio's penis, Mr Orgastic, because the young man He played, standing very close to his face.

To alleviate the girls' anxiety, she said: "it's big." But the focus was the same on the Cadu personal and model. For girls, the guy should have a "medium to large" penis. Shy, the brother just said "that's it".

At the end of the question-and-answer game, Sérgio was challenged by Anamara and Eliane to leave the hangout naked. With just a face towel, Mr. Orgastic hid his private parts and went outside the house.

However, their adventure was short-lived. Upon seeing the girls eager to tear off his towel, Sérgio quickly returned to the house.
Check it out in the video below.

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