
'BBB': after 'talk' about machismo, Babu calls brothers 'fags'

Babu BBB
photo: reproduction

Things are pretty tense Big Brother Brazil 20. This week, during leader Felipe Prior's party, there were arguments and washing of dirty laundry between competitors.

After the dust settles, Babu santana, talking to Prior – currently his only ally -, was homophobic when he referred to Daniel as “faggot” and “pau no c…”, as you can see in the video below. The actor from Rio did this after, a few weeks ago, ingratiating himself with the progressive public with a pro-gender equality speech at home.

Afterwards, Babu cursed another participant, Pyong, “faggot”.

On Twitter, criticism of Babu rained down. He was definitely the “canceled” of the day with #ForaBabu.


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Daniel Erthal

Daniel Erthal shows off his toned body on the beach; see photo