
BBB10: Angélica survives the wall

In a close vote, Ana Marcela was eliminated yesterday from the second wall of Big Brother Brasil 10. The student from Pernambuco left the program with 40% of the votes – the Minas Gerais journalist Angélica came close behind, with 36% of the votes.

Relieved, Angélica, who is an open lesbian, celebrated her stay in the house. “It’s a great joy to be in the game. I have a lot more gas now from seeing my family and friends. This is one of the best nights of my life,” she said.

In a conversation with Dourado, Cláudia and Tessália, at Puxadinho, Angélica commented that her grandmother did not know about her sexual orientation and that she asked her father to talk to her.

For the journalist, the wall “brought together” the family – even Angélica’s brother, who was fighting with his parents, attended the elimination yesterday.


Toni Reis is re-elected president of ABGLT; Read interview