
BBB11: Ariadna reveals to Lucival that she is transsexual

Amid rumors and speculation, participant Ariadna from "Big Brother Brasil 11" decided to admit that she is transsexual to Lucival, also confined in the house.

During a conversation by the pool, the journalist even stated that he knew about Ariadna. To which the participant replied: "Yes, I really am [transsexual]".

Lucival, who came out as homosexual on the second day of confinement, even advised Ariadna to tell the residents of the house about her condition.

In the morning, some participants, including Daniel, were already suspicious of the hairdresser's gender identity. "I have nothing against it, I think Roberta Close is beautiful," she said.

Before the premiere of BBB, news emerged that Boninho, director of the attraction, had prohibited Ariadna from talking about her sexuality to the other participants in the house. However, on his Twitter, the director denied this information. "Ariadna was not prohibited from saying who she is, it was her decision."

Boninho also said that if he were Ariadna he would soon reveal his secret. "If I were her I would tell everyone. Better than being unmasked," he wrote.

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