
Gay kiss: Ana Maria Braga, ABGLT, Aguinaldo Silva and Coluna Zapping debate

The soap opera Duas Caras, by Aguinaldo Silva, ends only on Saturday. The final chapter will be divided into two due to the fact that it was very long. But the controversy surrounding the gay kiss between Bernardinho (Thiago Mendonça) and Carlão (Lugui Palhares) continues and is already tiring.

Yesterday, new, conflicting information about the kiss appeared in the media. On the Mais Você program, presenter Ana Maria Braga, together with Louro José, did a retrospective of gay couples in the latest global soap operas, starting with Senhora do Destino. The blonde declared that gay kissing on TV is taboo. "It's complicated. The author has to have a lot of responsibility."

Ana then called actor Lugui Palhares, who plays Carlão, to talk about the controversy. When asked if the scene was recorded and would be aired, he looked like he couldn't answer the question. After that, the presenter made one of her spectacular gaffes that left the boy clearly embarrassed. "Before answering whether there will be a kiss. These couples that we showed there, were they any references? In the case of… There always is, I think the actor always has references. Either from people he knows, or… Ah, you're cross-eyed" , blurted out. After fixing the tight skirt, the interview continued normally, without revealing the possibility of the kiss.

Say what you say
Despite a note published last Monday by the newspaper Folha de São Paulo, in the column Outro Canal by Daniel Castro, that the kiss would be recorded, also yesterday, journalist Fabíola Reipert, Zapping columnist for the newspaper Agora, stated that the kiss was not recorded.

Aguinaldo Silva, in a post on his blog, defended the so-called "kiss between equals". He stated that it is hypocrisy for a people who are not shocked by the fact that a woman's back was incinerated in broad daylight, on Avenida Brasil, in Rio de Janeiro, if shocked by a kiss between two men. The news, which left the author of the serial 'horrified', was published in the newspaper O Globo two weeks ago and did not have much impact.

For him, "the Brazilian people have more to worry about – even though they don't – and, therefore, the fact that a kiss between two men airs on a television soap opera after nine o'clock at night will certainly not make them change your convictions on any topic."

Aguinaldo also defended the showing of the kiss because it is one of "the facts of life" and that "this is what soap operas feed on."

At the end of the post, the author explains that the scene had been recorded last Tuesday. "it was recorded yesterday. And, contrary to what that fringe fifi published (referring to journalist Fabíola Reipert), the kiss was recorded. But if it is going to be shown, that's another department", added Aguinaldo, who also stated that he had feeling "obliged to write" the scene with the kiss, even if it is not shown. The novelist also asked internet users to "read the scene and then try to save it" because "this is not just a text – it is also a document, a living proof of the interesting times in which we live", he said. 

Take it, give it here

After being called "fifi with bangs", Fabíola Reipert published a note today in her column stating that Globo denies the author of the kiss story. "Although the author claims that a gay kiss scene was recorded, the broadcaster denies it. Aguinaldo Silva wrote, yesterday, on his blog, that Thiago Mendonça and Lugui Palhares kissed during the scene in which their characters get married, in 'Duas Caras '. 'The scene was not foreseen in the synopsis of the soap opera. TV Globo concluded that it was not appropriate', says Globo. What displeased the broadcaster was the fact that the author created (false) expectations among viewers. Due to the controversy, Globo did not even allow the scene to be recorded. Still on the blog, yesterday, Aguinaldo retreated. After stating that the kiss took place, he responded to a reader that he did not know if the scene had been recorded..."

Issue of Militancy

ABGLT – Brazilian Association of Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, Transvestites and Transsexuals – sent a note to Rede Globo, requesting that the broadcaster broadcast the scene with the kiss written by Aguinaldo Silva. "In view of the possibility of airing the kiss between two boys in the soap opera Duas Caras, we even saw this broadcaster request that it follow its innovative and courageous spirit, maintaining this scene and transmitting it to the public."
Toni Reis, president of the entity, wrote that "the transmission of this scene will be of great value, as in this way it will be shown to the public that the expression of affection between two people of the same sex, in addition to being legal according to the constitution, is absolutely normal and that It's a reality, always has been and always will be."

For him "by broadcasting this scene, Rede Globo is simply reflecting another facet of the daily lives of thousands of Brazilian citizens"

Lilia Cabral criticizes controversy over gay kiss in “Duas Caras”

Gays in NY will have the same rights as straights