
Gay kiss in image that simulates Jesus Christ is destroyed in Vitória da Conquista

A billboard that featured three photos, one of which was a kiss between two men, was the target of vandalism in Vitória da Conquista, in the southwest of Bahia. The image referred to the figure of Jesus Christ. The attack took place on Sunday (16), on Avenida Juracy Magalhães.

The same billboard shows two other photographs on the sides, which refer to the representation of Jesus Christ. Entitled "Passion of Christ", the work is created by artists Alex Oliveira and Ricardo Alvarenga.

According to G1, the work will not be restored by the creators. "This brings it even more alive. The work communicates and the message was captured. We're going to leave it that way, there's no point in provoking. The project happened, it brought the necessary debate", commented Alex Oliveira.

"This vandalized billboard is a mirror of reality. We pose a question to society and it responds in any way it wants. This bothered people a lot, but the artist has to guarantee the right to express themselves", declares photographer George Neri, who lives in Conquista and is also part of the project.

See the work below before and after it was vandalized.

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