
Kiss call me!

Since they already told you this little “secret” in my description here, I think I'll start talking about series, those canned ones, extremely addictive and at the same time so good. To tell the truth, to this day I can't tell if I actually have insomnia and that's why I started consuming series like crazy or if I created this insomnia to be able to watch them. It doesn't matter either, I think.

I remember the first time I saw a kiss between women on the small screen. You may laugh, but me, my sister and a friend (who worked at a video store, because we weren't old enough – or even brave enough, to be honest – to get that film), we “hiddenly” rented the film. Wild instinct, recently released on VHS in Brazil, in 1993, if I'm not mistaken. Since then, let me see, almost 15 years have passed.

It took a little longer for me to see anything in series. In fact, it took a little longer for me to start watching series. Pure prejudice, on the one hand. And it was pre-broadband internet too, on the other. It was in mid-2000 that a friend showed me some episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which featured the cute witch couple Willow and Tara. It didn't take long for me to become a fan of the series. Not just because of the kisses between them, by the way. I'm really a fan of Buffy (oops, another “secret” revealed).

Since then, several kisses in series, in addition to series that feature relationships between women as a central focus, in the case of The L Word, and GirlTrash! (which is an “online” series but still without subtitles in Portuguese) or almost central, like South of Nowhere (teen series that still doesn't show here) and some seasons of Bad Girls (the first three seasons feature the most intense couple ever portrayed on the small screen, according to the website AfterEllen, which I personally agree with).

Well, these and other series will probably appear here on the blog several times. So let's get to the point: here's a list of kisses from some of the series I mentioned. Unfortunately I couldn't find some of the scenes I was looking for, but I'll post it another time, when I find it... 😉

Bad Girls – Nikki Wade (Mandana Jones) and Helen Stewart (with Simone Lahbib’s fantastic Scottish accent)

Scene 1 (Episode 2×02 – Shit Happens): Helen (until then straight and director of the wing of the women's prison where Nikki is held) comes out to Nikki

Scene 2 (Episode 2×13 – Oh What A Night!): Nikki escapes from prison and goes to Helen's house to make amends after a 100% “lesbian drama” crisis (although the part of the video I want to show here takes place from 4:26 to 5:34 minutes*, it's worth watching the first 44 seconds and then going to 7:34 to 9:07 minutes)

* Parts of the scene that didn't air

Scene 3 (Episode 3×16 – Coming Out): Reconciliation and the couple's last appearance on the series, after Nikki managed to get out of prison

Buffy, The Vampire Slayer

Willow Rosenberg (Allyson Hannigan) and Tara Maclay (Amber Benson): I would spend days here selecting scenes that I like from these two, but I got lazy so here's another one “reconciliation” moment (Episode 6×18 – Entropy)
and a scene compilation of the two to the sound of “Pretenders – I'll stand by you”…

Willow Rosenberg (Allyson Hannigan) and Kennedy (Episode 7×20 – Touched): “finally alone” moment (unfortunately there is a bit missing from the end of the scene, which I couldn’t find).

South of Nowhere – Spencer Carlin (Gabrielle Christian) and Ashley Davies (Mandy Musgrave): Selection of kisses from all three seasons to the sound of “LP – Wasted”, the show’s theme song.

The L Word – oh, after four seasons it’s hard to remember them all, so I’m going to post something about my favorite couple… Alice Pieszecki (Leisha Hailey) and Dana Fairbanks (Erin Daniels): o first kiss (Episode 1×13 – Limb From Limb) and the first sex (Episode 2×05 – Labyrinth)

And don’t forget to tell me what you think… kisses! 😉

Listening: The Blow – True Affection officially launches at L'Open

Girl Search Girl