
Prevention campaign seeks out gays and bisexuals who have HIV/AIDS

If you are gay or bisexual male and have discovered that you are HIV positive in the last few months then you can be part of an STD/AIDS prevention campaign. The initiative is part of the project "Meta na Sua Cabeça – Protection and passion must go together".

The director of Estruturação, Welton Trindade, explains the strategy of the action. "We are going to show the case of someone who recently became infected with HIV to show gays and bisexual men that AIDS is not something that is far from us, that we still get infected today and that we should have safe sex."

To participate, you do not need to identify yourself. Simply send your age, profession and a statement of up to seven lines about when you discovered you had HIV, whether you know how you became infected and how important you today are to safe sex.

Trindade says that being part of the action is a way of helping others. "Of course, having HIV is no death sentence, but it is much better to live without a virus that causes a disease without a cure. By telling their case, those who have become infected reinforce the warning that we must repeat every day: use a condom, it is the best way to have pleasure and maintain health." Texts must be sent to email

The "Meta na Sua Cabeça" project is an initiative of the dating site and the NGO Estruturação – Grupo LGBT de Brasília. Meet the HERE.

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