
Campaign shows the amount of blood and lives that are wasted due to homophobia

Prejudice and homophobia kill. And we are not only talking about direct cases, such as people murdered objectively for being homosexuals – but also about indirect deaths, no less important nor less symbolic.

A concrete example said is exposed by the campaign Wasted Blood, or Wasted Blood, which points to the absurdity of the fact that homosexuals declared in the Brazil cannot by law donate blood.

There are so many layers of stupidity in the law that prevents gays from donating blood that it all boils down to prejudice and homophobia.

From the absurd idea that a homosexual is more promiscuous and less careful than a straight person, to the fact that it would be enough to lie to be able to make the donation – even though it is also symbolically absurd for someone to have to lie about their sexual orientation to accomplish something so noble. how much to donate blood – reaching the most objectively serious part: the thousands of lives that fail to be saved due to lack of blood.


The Wasted Blood campaign, therefore, created a virtual queue on its website so that homosexuals can make themselves available to donate, and show how much blood is potentially wasted due to nothing other than prejudice.
Furthermore, they left São Paulo with a truck full of blood – around the amount that is wasted daily due to homophobia and nothing else.

The short-term result of both the video and the campaign is moving and frightening. The hope is that, in the long term, the result will be lives saved, both through donated blood and through a reduction in prejudice. 

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