
Internet campaign invites heterosexuals to give testimonials about their gay friends

Another initiative aims to raise awareness of the seriousness of the homophobic wave taking over the country. Created by the Group of Parents of Homosexuals (GPH), with the support of young people from the Purpurina Project, aimed at the LGBT population aged 13 to 24, the campaign "Who are they?" invites heterosexuals to give their testimonies about gay friends or relatives.

The teacher and founder of GPH, Edith Modesto (photo on the left), explains that the project, whose logo was created by designer Samuca, came about after one of the group's members was beaten upon leaving a nightclub simply for being homosexual. "This fact, added to the homophobic acts that have been occurring lately, made me think of a campaign that would help people see that being homosexual is a natural and spontaneous condition of human beings, like being heterosexual, and none of the types of sexual orientation implies a type of character, good or bad", explains Modesto.

Like other recent initiatives, the “Who are they?” highlights the importance of participation by society in general, and not just by the LGBT segment. "We think it is important to know from heterosexuals that they know homosexuals, that they respect them as they are and have admiration, friendship and affection for them", says the teacher.

To participate in the campaign, simply send a testimonial to the email On Project Tumblr, it is possible to read several testimonies from straight people talking about gay acquaintances, such as Valdenice, who identifies herself as a "mother and friend of gays". "I feel sorry for those mothers who suffer from their children being drugged, drunk, in prison, etc. They have something to worry about, I don't. I'm proud of my son and I'm always ready to defend him. I still have several gay friends and I love everyone," he writes.

Criminalization of homophobia
Recent cases involving homosexuals caught the attention of the media and showed the need to approve a law that criminalizes homophobia in Brazil.

In Edith Modesto's opinion, the "State must protect minorities who are discriminated against by people who not only do not respect them but also cowardly attack them." "The number of murders of homosexuals in Brazil is unbelievable", laments the founder of GPH. According to a report released in April by the GGB (Grupo Gay da Bahia), 260 homosexuals were killed in 2010 (compared to 198 in 2009).

However, Modesto believes, the media, especially television, has fulfilled its role of informing and raising awareness of the problem of discrimination against LGBT people. "Soap operas have reflected very well the social changes that are taking place, publicizing them", he concludes.

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