
World champion Colin Jackson admits homosexuality

Although in a contained way, the number of athletes who have come out as gay or lesbian has grown in recent years. Overcoming the prejudice and sexist environment inherent to sports practices, some athletes have refused to remain in the closet. Recently, the former British athlete and current BBC sports narrator, Colin Jackson, publicly came out as homosexual in an interview with a Swedish broadcaster that is producing the documentary “Rainbow Heroes”, which will tell the story of sports icons who are LGBT. Two-time world champion and gold medalist, Colin declared that “a lot of people” had asked him “that before” (if he is gay). However, only now has he decided to make his sexual orientation public. In 2003, the former athlete even denied being gay in an interview. In his statement, Jackson said he told his family in 2006: My parents were in the kitchen. We sat at the table and contrary to what I expected, they weren't that shocked. My mother only regretted the fact that people were so prejudiced. I realized right then and there that I had the best parents,” she said.

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