
Tired of suffering criticism, Luciana Gimenez calls for an end to “skinny phobia” and causes controversy on the web

This is another one of those emblematic cases of people trying to reverse things, like white people claiming that they suffer from racism and heterosexuals that are victims of 'heterophobia'.

Well, presenter Luciana Gimenez vented on her Instagram profile against the criticism she receives for being… thin. At 48 years old, the artist, who is mother of two children, often flaunts her slender body on social media.

"So I think it's right for everyone to accept each other, because we are unique and perfect beings in our differences. Each one in their own square! So, today I accept myself like this, without filter, mother of 2 children... healthy eating, regular exercise, lean body mass on time … In short, healthy and thin", wrote Gimenez on her profile, accompanied by a photo where she appears only in a bikini, showing off her curves.

On social media, the Super Pop presenter's "outburst" caused controversy and divided opinions among internet users: there were those who agreed with the artist and preached "down with slimphobia", and those who refuted Luciana's opinion.


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