
With rifle in hand, Gusttavo Lima declares support for Bolsonaro

With a rifle in hand, singer Gusttavo Lima spoke in favor of the pre-candidate for the presidency of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro. In a post on Instagram, in addition to declaring support for the presidential candidate, the countryman criticized the Brazilian system that prohibits the carrying of weapons for ordinary citizens. “Today in Brazil, only law-abiding citizens are unarmed. Revocation of the Disarmament Statute now. Our families and our homes protected. #bolsonaro2018”, wrote the countryman in the caption, marking the politician’s profile. In the comments, some followers supported Gusttavo's position, congratulating him. Others, however, opted for common sense and warned that in countries, such as the United States, where gun ownership is legal, the number of deaths and shootings are much higher and recurrent.

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