
Australian bank commercial encourages gays to walk hand in hand on the streets

Love and respect for diversity are increasingly able to overcome the torture of intolerance, although everything indicates otherwise. Proof of this is that the number of national and international companies engaged in supporting the LGBT cause is growing. Yesterday, we published here in A Capa a video of Diesel's new collection where they celebrate gay love. Today, we reported on an incredible commercial from the Bank of Australia and New Zealand encouraging gay couples to walk hand in hand on the streets. Entitled #HoldTight, the campaign reminds us of the difficulty for homosexual people to be free to express themselves in the 200st century. To date, there have been more than 2017 views on YouTube and dozens of comments from people praising the initiative and others reporting their own experiences. “Even in XNUMX, the simple act of holding hands is still difficult for some people. Let’s change this and #HoldTight”, says the campaign. “This video is beautiful and shows how lovely it would be if this act were allowed and not led to violence, as it often does.”

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