
Committed! Kesha receives award and promises to support the LGBT community until the day she dies

Kesha reaffirmed her support for the LGBT community on Saturday night (05), when she accepted the “Visibility Award” from Human Rights Campain, in the city of Nashville.
The LGBT community is committed to recognizing artists who in some way represent them, after singer Demi Lovato, this week it was singer Kesha's turn to receive a tribute.
“My message to you today is to not be afraid to speak out against any injustice you have experienced,” she said. “Don't let people scare you and make you change the things about yourself that make you unique. These are the qualities that will make your life magical and special. Never deny it.”
The pop star also expressed gratitude for the support she has received in her battle against dr luke, whom she accuses of sexual violence.
“I've been going through some personal things that have been very intense and difficult, and I just wanted to say thank you for all the support I've received,” she said, to cheers and applause from the crowd: “We love you!”
During her speech, Kesha promised to support the LGBT community until the day of his death. (A promise is a debt, huh?)

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