
PM contest demands 'masculinity' from candidates and exposes homophobia and machismo

A requirement listed in the notice for the cadet course of the Military Police of Paraná (PR) has been causing negative repercussions by exposing the corporation's homophobia and machismo, as provided for in Annex II - which represents the Psychological Assessment - which states that all candidates have a “regular” degree of “masculinity”. According to the broadcaster CBN, the term “masculinity” is described as “the ability of an individual not to be impressed by violent scenes, to endure vulgarity, not to get emotional easily, nor to show interest in romantic and love stories”. The document also states that candidates have a “medium or reduced” degree of “emotivity”, and classifies the feeling as “an expression of vibrations, shocks or inner commotions of psychological and physiological functions”. The notice also requires that “agreeability” is also low, claiming that the candidate has the “ability to express themselves with attention, understanding and empathy to other people, seeking to be pleasant, observing the opinions of others, acting politely and caring with your needs.” The National LGBTI Alliance issued a note in which it repudiates the notice's requirement and calls for quick action from the Public Prosecutor's Office to replace it. The Military Police also expressed its opinion in a statement, clarifying that it does not condone or tolerate discriminatory behavior and positions of any nature. The text also states that the term “masculinity” is approved by the Federal Council of Psychology, and that the objective is to evaluate emotional stability and coping capacity, aspects that are extremely necessary, according to the PM, for day-to-day military police activity. . The National LGBTI Alliance issued a note of repudiation Notice No. 01-Cadete-PMPR-2019 requires in its Annex II, “Professional Profile – Psychological Assessment” that candidates demonstrate the characteristic of “masculinity”, defined by the notice as “the ability to the individual in not being impressed by violent scenes, enduring vulgarity, not getting emotional easily, nor showing interest in romantic and love stories.” We understand that the requirement, among several mistakes, disregards the possibility of female cadet candidates, or wants them to also have characteristics of “masculinity”, and that, therefore, it is a discriminatory setback and permeated by machismo, chauvinism, patriarchalism, sexism, gender binarism, heteronormativity. It violates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Brazilian Federal Constitution with regard to the equality of all people, in addition to being contrary to the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals in relation to achieving equality between genders. Furthermore, it follows an extremely worrying trend of recrudescence of values ​​that border on fascism and threaten democracy itself in Brazil. We appeal to Governor Cida Borghetti and the General Commander of the Military Police of Paraná, Colonel Audilene Rosa de Paula Dias Rocha, for the Notice to be revoked immediately. We ask for immediate action from the Public Ministry of Paraná so that the Notice is revoked and replaced by one that is free from aspects that reinforce the inequalities and injustices present in today's society. We also request that the Federal University of Paraná, through its Competitions Center, through which the aforementioned Notice was published, enforce its publicly declared commitment to promoting equality between genders and combating discrimination, including due to sexual orientation and gender identity.

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