
Check out the schedule for the São Paulo LGBT Pride Parade that takes place this weekend

With the theme “Power forLGBTI+, Our Vote, Our Voice”, the 3nd edition of the São Paulo LGBT Pride Parade will take place next Sunday, the 22rd. The theme chosen by the Parade Association (APOGLBT) aims to raise awareness among the population about the importance of electing politicians committed to human rights, in addition to achieving greater representation in the Legislative branch. The event is sponsored by companies such as Uber, Skol, Burger King, Accor Hotels, Doritos and the intimate lubricant brand Intra, in addition to support from the State Government and the City of São Paulo. In addition to the traditional march that takes place on Sunday, the 18th edition of the LGBT Cultural Fair will take place on Thursday, 31st, in Vale do Anhangabaú, from 9am to 22pm. On Sunday, the gathering for the big March will start at 10am. In total, there will be 18 trios distributed along Avenida Paulista, which will go down Consolação, towards the Center, where the Parade will end. Attractions such as Pabllo Vittar, Preta Gil, Lia Clark, Mulher Pepita and April Carrion, famous for her participation in the reality show RuPaul's Drag Race, were announced – all of whom will be in two trios sponsored by Uber.

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