
Discover Nutscaping: the trend of taking photos of your testicles in beautiful landscapes.

Who would have thought we would live to see this, right? But Internet has no limits! Just when you think you've seen it all, it can provide you with something new, bizarre or simply unusual as is the case of Nutscaping.

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For those who don't know it yet, Nutscaping is a meme where the internet user goes to a place inhospitable, usually somewhere with a beautiful landscape, drops his pants and takes a photo of the bag with the landscape in the background.
If you are curious or confused by this new fashion, no problem because the practitioners themselves created a step-by-step guide to take good photos of their balls and participate in the game:
1 - Go somewhere beautiful, with an incredible landscape.
2 - Turn your back on the landscape.
3 - Drop your pants.
4 - Lean in and take the photo through your legs.


It is worth mentioning that it is important to be careful so that the dick does not appear in the photo, if you need it, ask for help from a friend.
The question that remains is: will this trend catch on here? Brazil? 
Check out the photo gallery with the beautiful landscapes:

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