
Discover the 10 commitments made at the Business and LGBT Rights Forum here in Brazil

It was held last Thursday (23/06), at the headquarters of IBM Brazil em São Paulo, another meeting of the Business and LGBT Rights Forum.

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The meeting began with a coffee at 14pm and then all the guests and representatives of companies that support the cause and LGBT rights, went to IBM's São Paulo Auditorium for the Forum activity. Representatives of the new companies were presented and signed the group's letter of commitment.

There are 10 items that these institutions are committed to, such as promoting education on LGBT issues and promoting a healthy work environment for the community.

The new Forum website, developed and created by MCM Digital, was launched at the event. The agency, in a show of support for the project, delivered the website as a gift, not charging for the service. Now, the Forum now has its own portal where it can promote its message, its principles and keep all those interested in its actions updated. The website is an important tool for the development and growth of the group.
Second Adriana Ferreira, who is part of the Forum's Steering Committee and is Diversity and Inclusion Leader at IBM Brasil, the partnership that gave life to the website happened due to the diverse profile that MCM already has. “MCM has always been covering diversity events and when we thought about who could do quality work, we thought about MCM”, he explains.

She also says that the proposal from the agency's CEO, Mônica Schimenes, to sign the commitment letter and provide the initial delivery of the website free of charge was a valuable contribution. “MCM is to be congratulated, we are very happy with the website”, says Ferreira.

In addition to the presentation of the new signatory companies, the event presented the Forum's new institutional video, which explains the importance of the work carried out and the social and human impact of the development of these actions across the corporate world.
Below, the 10 commitments signed between allied companies and the Business and LGBT Rights Forum:
1. Commit, presidency and executives, to respecting and promoting LGBT rights;
2. Promote equal opportunities and fair treatment for LGBT people;
3. Promote a respectful, safe and healthy environment for LGBT people;
4. Raise awareness and educate about respect for LGBT rights;
5. Encourage and support the creation of LGBT affinity groups;
6. Promote respect for LGBT rights in communication and marketing.
7. Promote respect for LGBT rights in the planning of products, services and customer service.
8. Promote professional development actions for people in the LGBT segment.
9. Promote the economic and social development of LGBT people in the value chain.
10. Promote and support actions in favor of LGBT rights in the community.
To find out more about the forum click HERE

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