
According to research, gay men forgive cheating more easily than straight men

Although polyamorous or even open relationships are trending nowadays, most people still prefer closed relationships, at least in theory. In reality, it's not news to anyone that “jumping over fences” is usually more common than you think. As lies have short legs, at one time or another, the betrayed person will end up discovering the infidelity. But what about you, what would you do when you discover that your partner is seeing someone else? According to research carried out by First4Lawyers in England, male homosexuals are more likely to forgive cheating than heterosexuals. More than two thousand people were heard. The result showed that 32% of gay men would not end the relationship when discovering cheating. Among straight people, only 12% said they were able to forgive. Regarding bisexuals, 17% say they would forgive infidelity. The study also found that 30% of bisexuals are not faithful to their partners. Among heterosexuals, 19% admitted cheating on their partner. 26% of gays said they were unable to forgive messaging via WhatsApp. 41% of bi people also consider this attitude intolerable and 43% of straight people endorse the list.

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