
Heterosexual disillusionment

I always fall in love with straight people. Beautiful boys that I'm incredibly attracted to and that don't want anything to do with me. Well, I would like to talk about the opposite situation. What about when a straight guy falls in love with a gay guy? Yesterday, on the bus back home, two straight guys got on and sat in the back seats. From the smell, one of them must have had a lot to drink and was crying.

I'm not one to listen to other people's conversations . They talked loudly. The one crying spoke much louder than the other and was cuter. From what we heard about the subject, the rigmarole was that the guy was dating a bi woman and she was probably cheating on him. With another woman.

According to what the boy said, the discovery and acceptance of bisexuality by the girl and her family was not easy. “Bro, her father beat her up, she even ended up in the hospital”, he said.

Yes, dear readers. In the 21st century, parents still beat their children thinking that this will “cure” such a huge “deviation in behavior” that is homosexuality.

I know that all of that impressed me in a certain way. A straight guy crying profusely on a bus on a friend's shoulder, because of a woman. Rare scene. It's almost cute to see a guy crying in the street. It's subversive to cry, it breaks taboos, it deconstructs the myth that men don't cry and don't have feelings.

The guy seemed to honestly like the girl Bi. Apparently she was in a phase that was more gasoline than alcohol. Maybe he's not even bi, he's actually homo, because from what the boy said to his friend, “she said she liked boys and girls, and she said she liked me, that she wanted to try being with me to see what happened, But bro, she really likes girls…”

Of course, being cheated on shouldn't be a very pleasant thing and losing someone we care about, whether to people of the same sex or the opposite, is painful. It's not the end of the world, obviously. But the cool thing, or not, about the story is the “ending” it had. Suddenly, if his girlfriend was straight, he might take advantage of her lover, or with typical sexist thinking, he would scold her, calling her the most profanity...

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