
GLS Highlights: Check out 7 lies to get someone into bed at night

For some singles, Sunday night feels desperate. It's as if it were the last chance of the weekend to meet someone or just have sex, usually after the failed attempts in the previous days. In many cases, the criteria for selecting a partner become "flexible" (or simply disappear) in the countdown to the unbearable Monday morning. On Saturday, everyone takes care of their hair, their clothes, their perfume, and is willing to pay the exorbitant prices of the hottest clubs. At the end of Sunday, anything goes to break the kiss and sex fast, like going to cheaper clubs, in the (sometimes false) hope of a less demanding audience, more available for erotic play.

Last Sunday, I went to check out the activity, hour by hour, at one of the main nightclubs in the center. I arrived around midnight and stayed until 4am. At the opening of the track, everyone still tries to maintain their pose: the looks are still shy, some lean against the bar and just order a mineral water, the urinals still exude a smell of eucalyptus, the bodies move awkwardly to the sound of the pile driver. . After 1am, when the dance floor starts to fill up and the orders at the bar increase, you can already see a change in the scenery. Some bite their lip, scratch their ear, spin around the track like a crazy top in search of an axis. The first couples are formed. There's everything on the board: young, mature, gray-haired, bearded, crossdressers...

Due to São Paulo Fashion Week, which attracts many tourists to the city, it was also possible to bump into groups of fashionistas in its  "Marc Jacobs moment", that is, exploring the center. How do I know? First, the clothes speak, from the Thai pants (saruel, with pleats at the bottom) to the infamous Palestinian scarves, a piece seen as "last season", but increasingly popular at street vendors. A self-respecting fashionista has to draw attention to being photographed and posted on Orkut, blog, Facebook or Flickr, depending on her level of involvement with internet social networks: this means that, around 3am, the runway is on fire, some They climb onto the "queijinhos" (gogo boy stage), others can't stop laughing for no reason or "attacking" anyone who makes eye contact, no matter how accidental it may be. A simple question about the time is already interpreted as a joke.
But just observing is no use. You have to listen to the conversations to see how gay flirting works at the end of a Sunday night out. When it comes to attending a party, is there really anyone who has expectations of getting into a serious relationship? At 4am, the dance floor begins to empty, couples rub against the walls, there is no more perfume or perfume in the air, the toilet paper has run out in the bathroom, some are rushing to pay the bill, those who are still alone (or very drunk) are already He even approaches the barman and the security guard. Tick-tock, tick-tock… In conversations, the approach is more direct with great risks of hearing and telling lies that could land someone in bed. Check out some common tricks at the end of the fair.
1- What do you do for a living?
At xepa time, everyone becomes businesspeople, intellectuals, artists, postgraduates or works in multinationals. Afraid of stigmas and hasty deductions, many invent professions to seduce in record time. It's not always nonsense. That guy introduces himself as a "sommelier", but he works as a waiter and should really know how to recommend at least one table wine. Others prefer to use the foreign pronunciation of their functions or euphemisms in an effort to overvalue their credentials, as if their livelihood were a 100% guarantee of pleasure, status and security. So a hairdresser becomes a "hair stylist", a store salesperson works in "marketing" and a blogger calls himself a "journalist" (ok, here it's even forgiven, after all, a university degree isn't even required in the country anymore).
2- Are you active or passive?
On Sunday, a bearded man in his forties started the night, next to the bar, very serious, he didn't move a muscle even to the sound of the most strident diva's vocals. In the middle of the night, the mature man with the look of a professor at USP was a different person: he was already bouncing around, making out with a fashionista with hair like Jesus Luz and, in the universal code of saying being active without a word, he kept squeezing his hand. boy's ass. This doesn't always work. Out of shame, many signal one thing and, when it comes to making out, the "active guy on the dance floor" actually wants to be penetrated. The law of supply and demand explains the success of this lie. On the forum of a gay MSN Orkut community, I counted 7 passives for every 3 declared actives. Who pays for the motel? There is no point in consulting the consumer code. Unfair but possible rules: "versatile" (read passive), "I like different things" (in general, barebacking, fisting or SM)…
3- Where do you live?
The most common scam used by real estate classifieds is to bring housing addresses closer to parks, shopping malls or other places that enhance the neighborhood. In the final hours of the party, everyone moves, in the blink of an eye, to upscale neighborhoods: República and Santa Cecília become Higienópolis; Bixiga and Consolação are in Jardins; Cambuci and Freedom in Acclimatization; Itaquera and São Miguel Paulista became Jardim Anália Franco. The stratagem works when you are only looking for a single sex. Those looking for serious dating don't tend to distort this type of information. After all, afterwards, just blaming the drink and the noise is not a good excuse to correct yourself. Unfortunately, many still consider zip code when hunting for partners. Sometimes, those who lie indulge themselves by exaggerating the advantages of the surrounding area ("Very close to Paulista", "You can see Ibirapuera", "In that Artacho Jurado-style building").
4- How old are you?

In places frequented by the not-so-young crowd, there is unanimity: everyone was born in the same year and always says they are 28 or 38, no matter how much their hair, wrinkles and other references say otherwise. It's an old thing among the vain, but thanks to advances in cosmetics and plastic surgery, today the "era of messy crowns" is alive and well. Susana Vieira and Ana Maria Braga say so. Gay men in their thirties and forties also prefer to talk about their soul's age, rather than its chronological age. But after 3 am, sexual compulsives already recalibrate their radars, like a market vendor lowering the prices of fruits and vegetables at dusk. Whoever at the beginning of the party jinxed a 20-something-year-old kitten is now satisfied with a fifty-something in a cap. The crossdresser who spent the night charming the shirtless boy is content with the chubby guy in a fanny pack.
5- What do you like to listen to?
Sophisticating your musical taste is another typical talk of desperate conquest. Fans of Brazilian rhythms, such as samba, pagode and axé, are already, slightly, cataloged within a socioeconomic profile, which is often mistaken. Some avoid revealing their real preferences, for fear of losing the flirtation. They start to mention foreign artists to reinforce an eclectic, cosmopolitan or "indie" image. The more restricted the name, the more hip it sounds. There are sex decided after knowing the other's favorite DJ. In this mad race to label the "victims", anyone who claims to love classical music already earns the label of pretentious or snob. For many, a quick look at the brands of clothes, accessories, footwear and features such as haircut and tattoos is enough to assess their chances. If

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