
GLS Highlights: Sex in the Internet café

Colloquial Portuguese is rich in popular expressions for masturbation, one of man's vital needs: sinning in the hand, flying a kite, peeling a banana, ruffling a clown's hair, touching a brush, beating a bald man, beating a castanette, skinning a rooster's head. , punch the pestle, play a little...

Many boys discover their homosexuality through masturbation (alone, with a friend or in a group), an infallible test to investigate their own sexual orientation.

For many, the masturbation slang mentioned in the first paragraph shocks their sensibilities as they are classified as "foul terms". We learn, in the family, at school, at church and at work, that nudity and sex are reasons for shame and censorship, despite the growing consumption of photos and videos of this kind, especially on the internet.

In São Paulo, a new modality of this "handjob industry" is proliferating. In the center, "lan houses" promise "privacy" to their users. As? The computer is in a closed cabin and is free to access any adult content, without restriction. The service is ideal for closeted men, who cannot leave traces of gay pornography on their personal computers, currently one of the main targets of suspicious women.

What goes on in the cabins?
I visited two establishments and realized that gays (open and discreet) help to boost this business, which is emerging in a region of decadence in porn cinemas, former strongholds of "those who take justice into their own hands".

Younger people, who were born with a mouse in their hand, seem to prefer the objectivity of clicks and the variety of erotic content options on the internet.

Nobody wants to waste time or money. The "sex lan house" charges R$3,50 for one hour. There are cinemas with a ticket price of R$ 18. In the "sex cafes", customers can use the webcam to watch real sex scenes and, between the four plastic walls of their cabin, they can masturbate in peace.

Most people try to control their breathing, their moaning, their rubbing. At each station, there are headphones, meaning other users don't need to hear the sound of the video you just downloaded.

In the places visited, only one person can enter per cabin, which has space for a single chair, a computer and a small waste basket, something useful for collecting condoms (so your clothes don't get dirty) and tissue paper.

In São Paulo, law no. 12.228, of January 2006, obliges LAN houses to create and maintain an updated user registry. There are five details that the customer is obliged to provide: name, date of birth, full address, telephone number and identity document number, which must be presented. This procedure aims to help the police investigate virtual crimes committed on the network.
In one of the Internet cafes, I found terms like "pedophile photos" in Google's search history and also several (straight) "teen" sites. I also saw people searching for "sex with dogs" and even "sex with dwarfs".

Nicks are exposed

When entering the cabin, don't feel like your privacy is total. There are programs that allow monitoring of the content accessed by the internet café employee. Avoid banking pages or those that require passwords. Perhaps ecstatic about ejaculation, users forget to delete the history of their visits, easily accessed by the next customer due to the "autocomplete" feature.

Nicknames used on social networking sites and virtual communities are displayed on the screen. In the "sex cafes", I found pages and profiles of call boys visited by previous users, as well as photo and video galleries. Do not leave the booth without closing MSN or logging out of Orkut. Don't be a victim of personal data theft or let your closet be opened wide in an Internet cafe.

Also, don't worry about these risks when sharpening your pencil, like five against one. In a time of ephemeral pleasures and loves, of timed desires full of labels and tags, nothing better than the advice of that former minister: relax and enjoy!

Rua Conselheiro Crispiniano, in front of the Kalunga store (behind the Municipal Theater), access via stairs, above the parking lot
Avenida Vieira de Carvalho, corner of Rua Aurora, accessed by stairs, next to the Habeas Corpus bar

*Sérgio Ripardo is a journalist and author of "Guia GLS SP" (Publifolha). Talk to him:

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