
Ten thousand tourists injected R$4 million into Juiz de Fora at Rainbow Fest; research also reveals the tourist profile

According to the 6th Tourist Demand Survey at Rainbow Fest, more than ten thousand tourists injected R$4 million into the economy of Juiz de Fora during Rainbow Fest, promoted by the NGO MGM – Movimento Gay de Minas. The data was released this Wednesday, 29/11, by MGM in partnership with Rumos, a junior company on the Tourism course at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF). The study also points out that the majority of Rainbow Fest tourists are between 14 and 32 years old (62%), male (81%), homosexual (70%), with a monthly income between 3 and 7 minimum wages (61% ), completed or ongoing higher education (55%), found out about the event through friends (48%) and came to Juiz de Fora by car (56%). “The event is growing faster than the city’s hotel capacity. And the resources that Rainbow Fest attracts to Juiz de Fora grows every year because the length of time tourists spend in the city is increasing”, says the president of MGM, Oswaldo Braga. Of the tourists who go to the event, 14% arrive at the beginning of the week and 28% stay a few days after it ends on Sunday. The numbers met the NGO's expectations. 463 tourists were interviewed between the 23rd and 26th of August this year. The data analysis was monitored by the statistics professor at UFJF, Alfredo Chaoubah. For those interested, the complete data with compared graphs can be obtained from MGM, which is located at Rua São Sebastião, 345, 2nd floor. Telephone: (32) 3218 7496. Other survey data: 24% of respondents were at the event for the first time; 7% of respondents say they have suffered prejudice in hotels or public spaces; 42% of tourists are from Rio de Janeiro, compared to just 11% from São Paulo; 36% of tourists say they stay at a friend's house; 48% intended to spend between R$101 and R$500 per day; 22% shopped during their leisure time; 10% frequented restaurants; 70% of those interviewed said they always use a condom;

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