
Disney prepares production with first lesbian princess, says website

The world has changed and the classic stories about princesses who fall in love with gentlemen who live happily in an enchanted kingdom no longer convince anyone, especially in an era where debates about sexual diversity have become very present and necessary. Some companies noticed this change and started to include more and more LGBTQ+ characters in their productions. However, the scenario still appears closed for these people. Responsible for memorable films, which marked the childhood of millions of people around the world, Disney began to include gay and lesbian characters in its stories. Now, according to information from the website Segundo Foco, the company is working on the first production with a lesbian protagonist. Recently, Disney included a gay character in the live-action Beauty and the Beast. Debates about the supposed homosexuality of Elza, from Frozen, also sparked on the networks. Scheduled to be released in 2018, the story will tell the story of a princess who, instead of falling in love with the prince, falls in love with another woman. Further details have not yet been revealed. By making this decision, the animation studio meets the demand of GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation), which had demanded greater representation of LGBTQ+ characters and greater support for diversity from the brand. With information from the Sentido G website

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