
Gaymer divas

With the attacks on PSN – the Playstation Network, which allows online integration of players around the world – I ended up learning about the IGN, one of the most updated and important gaming portals and such. Around here, I occasionally buy one or another gaming magazine, but the Omelets It's really my main source of information when it comes to these fun games.

The other day, IGN published a text about gay characters in the world of games. The article can be read here. He talks precisely about the absence of characters in this universe, but gives two very cool examples. One of them is Yoshi. The other is Turok.

In fact, to summarize, Yoshi's case is surrounded by ambiguity. He is the boyfriend of Birdo, that pink dinosaur with a bow who spits eggs and is the villain in Super Mario 2. It turns out that according to the article, due to some kind of error or mistake in the translation from Japanese to English, Birdo would be male, but would have identification feminine and preferred to be called Birdetta.


It turns out that in 2003, in the Super Mario Kart guide, Nintendo assumed that Birdo "appears to be Yoshi's girlfriend, but is actually his boyfriend." The journalist, who is very attentive to gender issues, classifies the relationship more as queer than as straight or homo. It is still an interesting read.

I, who started playing video games since I was little (and have always been fond of a console hahahahaha), was wondering who the gay icons of electronic games would be. The first one that came to mind was Chun Li, from the classic Street Fighter.

In a game dominated by Ryu, Ken and their hadoukens and shoryukens, Chun Li was a feminine refreshment amidst that sea of ​​dull men. And besides being a pioneer, she was always very elegant and courageous. A woman of attitude. If today, in Super Street Fighter IV there is a greater range of female characters, it is because Chun Li spread much more than her shapely legs during the fights. She took the machismo by storm and today gains diva status on my humble list.

In Mortal Kombat we had Sonya. Police officer. Also courageous and strong without losing her feminine essence. I also always played with her. Other gay characters – in my mind at least – were Princess Kitana, who is a bit of a slut and even had a fan, and Sindel, who knew how to shake her hair like no one else. Not to mention her moves, one of the coolest in Outworld.

But I've always been more Street Fighter. And with Playstation, I must say that the range of divas has increased. How can you not be driven crazy by Lara Croft and all her millions of abilities? It's no surprise that Tomb Raider is one of the most successful franchises in the world. The female version of Indiana Jones was much more active than many grown men and did everything. Manipulate weapons and vehicles, swim, jump, run. And it went through a series of graphical redesigns that only made it mevisually improve.

Another female passion is Jill Vallentine. One of the protagonists of the Resident Evil saga. She faced zombies and biological threats, survived the Nemesis, was infected with a deadly virus. In addition to having worn that incredible black skirt in the third game of the series. Jill is one of the coolest characters in games in my opinion and Resident Evil 3 is one of the best ever released. Of course, in terms of story and graphics evolution, Resident Evil 5 has a better tied plot and a sequence that is difficult to overcome, in addition to bringing a completely reformulated Chris Redfield.

In fact, Chris Redfield is very hot, as well as more resilient, strong and muscular, in this game. But this is a subject for a next post. Which male game characters made/make you dream? Do you agree with the gaymers' list of divas? Anyone who can comment below and share their experiences and memories with the games.

It is.

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