
Drag queen launches line of sandals during LGBT Cultural Fair in SP

Next Thursday (03/06), anyone who goes to the LGBT Cultural Fair, in Vale do Anhangabaú, in São Paulo, will be able to see the launch of drag queen Tchaka O'Hara's line of sandals.

Aimed at "transvestites, crossdressers, drag queens, girls with attitude and married women who want to surprise their husbands", according to the artist herself, the products will be on display for sale from 10am to 22pm. "The collection is the face of the gay community. I had the freedom to choose the models, colors, sole shapes, platforms, etc.," says Tchaka.

Graduated in law from Universidade Brás Cubas and in theater from Escola de Teatro Macunaíma, Tchaka is a drag artist who runs on tangents. She will hardly be seen in night clubs doing shows. Tchaka prefers to make a living hosting parties (on her CV, more than 3 thousand presentations) and giving what she calls "fun motivational talks".

It works more or less like this: a drag artist is hired by a company to sell, in a humorous way, a concept of a brand or product to its employees. The idea came up 5 years ago and, since then, it has had good results. Recently, Tchaka gave a lecture to students, teachers and staff at a college in São Paulo. "The experience helped them break taboos and preconceptions", says the drag queen.

The success of the lectures can also be proven by the reactions of the participants. "There are companies that are surprised when they see that the speaker is a drag queen. This generates euphoria and curiosity to know if I will get the job done", concludes Tchaka.

Launch of Tchaka sandals
June 3th, from 10pm to 22pm
LGBT Cultural Fair, box 13
Anhangabaú Valley

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