
Drama with Murillo Effe premieres in May in São Paulo

The play 'Dark Room' premieres on May 2, at 21:30 pm, at Teatro do Ator, in São Paulo. With text written by playwright Mário Viana, the show, which runs until July 25, is directed and acted by Murillo Effe. 
The play tells the story of Wesley, played by Márcio Lima, who was always curious to know who his father was. Janete, played by Ariany Rhaverlaq, who is the boy's mother, never wanted to tell, but in an argument the young man ends up discovering that her father is a drag queen. 
From then on, Wesley feels the desire to bring his family back together and to do so he decides to hire the drag artist 'Shirley Pão na Chapa', Murillo Effe, without knowing that he is his father. 
"Dark Room is that time when you put your head on your pillow, between sleeping and being awake. You think about what you did or what you have to do and a lot of things come into your head. It's a very deep and dark show ", says actor Murillo Effe. 
Dark Room – The show 
Season: from May 02nd to July 25th, 2014. 
day and time: every Friday, at 21:30 pm. 
Location: Teatro do Ator – Praça Roosevelt, 172 – Centro, São Paulo. Capacity: 113 seats. 
Tel. (11) 3257-3207 
Tickets: R$50 (Full) / R$25 (Half) / R$30 (Flyer) 

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