
Elections 2018: Find out who the LGBT pre-candidates are

The National LGBTI+ Alliance and Grupo Dignidade carried out a mapping of LGBT pre-candidates and allies who intend to win one of the legislative seats, state or federal, in this year's elections. Currently, of the 513 federal deputies, only one is openly homosexual. The low representation is felt when issues such as the criminalization of homophobia are discussed and when the demands of the LGBT community suffer in the Chamber of Deputies by the strong conservative and religious benches. Until last Friday, the survey showed 93 names, divided between gays, trans women and men, lesbians, male and female bisexuals, transvestites and others (among these, allies – who may not be homosexuals but are considered defenders of the cause). . How the pre-candidates identified themselves in the survey: – 43 (46,2%) gay – 15 (16,1%) trans woman – 12 (12,9%) lesbian – 8 (8,6%) bisexual male – 4 (4,3%) transvestite – 3 (3,2%) female bisexual – 1 (1,1%) trans man – 7 (7,5%) other How political tendency is defined: – Far left – 3 (3,6%) – Left – 56 (67,5%) – Center-Left – 14 (16,9%) – Center – 7 (8,4%) – Center-Right – 1 (1,2%) – Right – 2 (2,4%) With 69,9% being part of an LGBTI organization. To see the complete list of pre-candidates, click here. The party with the most pre-candidates with these characteristics is PSOL (19), followed by PCdoB (14) and PT (11). Subtitles considered right-wing, such as the PSD, PTC and PTB also have representatives. The division by region shows that the Southeast concentrates almost half of these names (40). The region with the fewest representatives is the North, with just 3. Toni Reis, president of the Alliance, in an interview with the newspaper Estado de São Paulo (Estadão), states that the survey aims to create a network for exchanging ideas and proposals for possible mandates , as well as helping to publicize the campaigns themselves. “Our hope is to increase the number of seats in the Chamber by at least 100%,” he says. “It seems like a lot, but in fact today we only have one openly gay deputy, Jean Wyllys (PSOL-RJ). So, increasing the bench by 100% is dreaming of at least two elected officials.” Only the Rede and PSB parties have transsexuals on their executives, although most of the acronyms have sectors dedicated to the topic in their internal structures. A victory for the LGBT movement in these elections was in the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), which authorized trans candidates to be registered in the party quota based on the gender with which they identify. Tathiane Araújo is the first trans woman to be part of the PSB command and told the newspaper Estadão that she intends to work on the issue of criminalizing homophobia as a priority in Congress: “The law that criminalizes racism, for example, is an instrument to make justice to the discriminated. Homophobes, in turn, are not treated with the seriousness they deserve.”

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