
Company withdraws from commercial airing of “Nova Schin” accused of discriminating against transvestites

After complaint from the Brazilian Association of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transvestites and Transsexuals (ABGLT) to the "Nova Schin" commercial, who accused him of discriminating against transvestites, the company Schincariol decided to remove the advertisement from the air.

The beer brand said in a statement that it was not notified by Conar (National Advertising Self-Regulation Council), but that "out of respect for the people who felt, in some way, affronted, it removed the film from the air".

At the time, the commercial showed a boy flirting with a woman without suspecting that it was a man. According to Toni Reis, president of ABGLT, the propaganda treated the situation with "scorn, jokes and mockery" and that this contributes to the prejudice surrounding transvestites.

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