
Scotland: Catholic Church says homosexuality shortens life expectancy

After the Scottish government announced its plans to legalize gay marriage in the country in the future, the Catholic Church fell to the ground.

The institution once again lobbied against same-sex marriage. The last one was to say that homosexuality reduces life expectancy. Gay people would live less than straight people, simply because they are gay.

“There is a link between same-sex sexual activity and premature death,” said Peter Kearney, spokesman for the Catholic Church in Scotland.

“This is not something that the Catholic Church created, and there is a large amount of medical evidence to suggest this. A study showed that the life expectancy of a man who practices homosexuality can be reduced by between 12 and 20 years,” continued Kearney.

Patrick Harvie, coordinator of the Scottish Green Party, rejected the spokesman's homophobic statements, saying that the institution is an extremist church, out of touch with reality, which uses its economic resources to create obstacles to progress.

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