
School in Thailand installs bathroom for transgender people

The Kampang school, located in northeastern Thailand, built bathrooms for transgender people, after a survey showed that 20% of students considered themselves transgender.

According to the principal, Sitisak Sumontha, students were harassed by other students when they used the men's restrooms. When they started using the facilities for girls, the situation did not improve.

"This caused discomfort among the girls and made the transgender students unhappy, which began to affect their productivity at school," said the principal. It was then that the school board decided to install the bathrooms, the entrance to which has a sign with a pink and blue doll, half female, half male.

"We are not boys. We don't want to use the boys' bathroom we want them to know we are transgender," said Triwate Phamanee, 13, who dreams of having sex change surgery.

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